Creating a Business Plan

Every new venture should have a business plan. A business plan is the formal written expression of the entrepreneurial vision, describing the strategy and operations of the proposed venture. The business plan also goes by other names, depending on its intended audience. Presented to a banker, it may be called a "loan proposal." A venture capital group might call it the "venture plan" or "investment prospectus."

The advantages of writing a business plan far outweigh the costs. The purpose of the plan is to enable the top executives of the firm to think about their business in a comprehensive way, to communicate their objectives to individuals who may have a stake in the firm's future, to have a basis for making decisions, and to facilitate the planning process.

Entrepreneurs should undertake the task of preparing the business plan personally. Although outsiders - consultants, accountants, and lawyers - should be tapped for their advice and expertise, the promoter or the

Making a Product Choice
Setting up Infrastructure
Naming and Registering a Business
Choosing a form of Business Organisation
Choosing the Location of the Industry
Pricing your Product
Regulatory Requirements
Financing a start up Business
Sourcing Process, Raw Materials, Machineries and Equipments\
Hiring Human Resource
